Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hitler Re-born

Dear Friends ,
This is for your Kind Information that, spread this mail to every one to save the life of the innocent people in srilanka who are killed by Lankan Army for speaking Tamil language.

Hitler Re-born

Mahinda RajapakseSrilankan President
We really don’t like to publish these pictures………
But we don’t have any option or choice to prove
What happening in SriLanka ………………………

Srilankan Army Shelled in Civilian Place

Srilankan Army attacked hospital last month…..

What this child did?
This child spoke Tamil language that’s the only reason Srilankan Army did like this
Is this acceptable?

None of the Indian or International news papers displaying the news
Desperately they are hiding the news………….
Jan’09 - Srilankan Army attacked civilan people in Moongilaru, Srilanka

Almost 10 children are killed in this attack... Who is going to question Srilanka ?
What this child did?
only one wrong thing is, this child is Tamil child

Pregnant women brutally killed by Srilankan Army…………
This is the world worst deadliest attack……. 8 month foetus also killed
A pregnant women killed by Srilankan army on 17-March-2009 (Baby Child inside her body)

Where is the Head?

Just 13 year old school student
What is the use of UN?
From 01-Jan-2009 to 30-March-2009……………………………………………………..
3812 innocent Tamil people killed by Srilankan Army it includes more than 900 children.
UN report says….. Every day 42 Tamil people are killed by Srilankan Army……
They are their own citizens………………………………………………………………….
Srilankan government not allowed UN and ICRC members in Vanni (Tamil place in Srilanka)
They want to hide the news from the entire world….. Planned and Perfect GENOCIDE
Please forward
Rajapaksey & Co

Some people may think this is internal problem of a country........ why we should worry about?
Definitely we should worry because, When innocent people are killed for no reason by their own government any where in the world as a human being with some humanity
We should raise a voice against genocide If it is an internal problem or war means why we studied about Hitler in our history book.
The Aim is the future generation should not repeat the same mistake again.
I m not willing my Children’s to read this SriLanka Tamil Genocide as a history chapter.
So please try to understand and please forward
Booker prize winner – Arundhathi Roy statement about Srilankan Issue

1 comment:

கண்ணா.. said...

நன்றி we the people,

என் வலைபதிவுக்கு வந்து ஆதரித்ததற்கு...

இதே விஷயம் என்னையும் கவர்ந்து..என்னுடைய பதிவிலும் இது இருக்கிறது...

ஓத்த கருத்துடைய உங்கள் அறிமுகத்தால் மகிழ்ச்சி அடைகிறேன்..

தொடர்ந்து எழுதுங்கள் என் ஆதரவு எப்போதும் உண்டு